What is the ticker symbol for coffee futures in the United States? Plus, some top coffee stocks and ETFs to watch (Updated in 2022)

Coffee is a beloved drink in many countries around the world. In Western countries such as Europe and the United States, coffee drinking is especially popular. In addition to being a beverage, coffee is an important commodity, and many investors make money by trading coffee futures. In word’s top futures exchanges, such as: ICE (InterContinental Exchange) and CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) in the United States, there are corresponding coffee futures varieties. In addition, there are some well-known coffee concept stocks and ETF funds in the US stock market. In this article, Yourmoneypal.com intents to answer the following questions: What is the trading code of coffee (coffee) futures in the United States? What are the related popular coffee concept stocks and ETFs in US stocks?

As of June 22, 2022, according to Yourmoneypal.com’s knowledge, ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) and CME (Che Mercantile Exchange) in the United States currently have coffee futures. ICE’s ticker for coffee futures is: KC. The CME coffee futures trading symbol is: KT. It should be noted that the specific futures contract code often has 3 letters, and has specific expiration year and month information.

For some investors who are not familiar with futures trading, they can also make profits by trading coffee-related concept stocks. Here are 3 popular US coffee stocks, including: (1) SBUX, Starbucks, Starbucks, which is a famous coffee shop chain. (2) NSRGY, Nestle, Nestle, is a giant in the food industry. (3) QSR, Restaurant Brands International, is a Canadian fast food chain complex, which owns the famous brand Tim Hortons.

Of course, some investors are more interested in investing in ETF funds. In fact, there are also such choices in US stocks, but the choices are relatively limited. At present, we have only found one US stock ETF with the concept of coffee, and its name/trading symbol is: JO. The issuer of the fund is: Barclays Capital (Barclays Capital), the issuance time is 2018, and its latest price is: $65.