Is New Oriental (新东方) currently listed in the U.S., Hong Kong, and China stock markets? Has it turned a profit recently? When was its latest stock split or reverse split?

New Oriental (新东方) is one of China’s leading education companies focusing on fields such as English teaching and career training, and its founder is Yu Minhong (俞敏洪). The company was founded in 1993 and is currently headquartered in Haidian, Beijing. Many investors are interested in investing in New Oriental’s stocks, so today will give you a quick introduction to the following topics: Is New Oriental currently listed in the U.S., Hong Kong, and China stock markets? Has it turned a profit recently? When was its latest stock split or reverse split?

As of May 4, 2022, according to our quick research, New Oriental is currently listed in: the US and Hong Kong stock markets. It went IPO in the US in 2006 and has been trading under the ticker symbol: EDU. New Oriental went public in Hong Kong, China in November 2020, and its stock symbol is: 01797. At present, New Oriental has not yet been listed on the A-share market in mainland, China.

Since 2021, China has introduced stricter policies to curb the overheated education and training industry in the country, which has a negative impact on the business of public companies in the sector. In fiscal 2021, net profit generated by New Oriental was US$230 million, down 35% year over year.

In April 2022, New Oriental U.S. stocks underwent a one-for-ten (1:10) reverse stock split. Before the reverse split, its stock was traded slightly higher than $1. However, after the reverse split, the price of the stock rose above: $11. Currently, New Oriental is trading at around $13.